Oak Alley Plantation

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It's foggy this morning as we head towards Oak Alley Plantation Signs pointing to lots of plantations Oak Alley Plantation - a National Historic Landmark June in a funny pose next to huge oak trees The trees are ghostly in the fog The main plantation house A view of the alley of oak trees looking towards the river Upstairs porch Original bell It's a long way to the house The plantation house framed by the oak branches Ivy covered oak branches Another view of the house We can finally see the whole front of the house About slavery at Oak Alley Slave cabins Outhouses Emancipation happened by degrees An inventory of slaves and their values Inventory of the plantation's medicines Quinine for malaria and a 'quiet balm' Laudanum from opium A map of slavery density as of 1860 Farm implements Slave shackles and a neck restraint An old fire extinguisher We get a free mint julep Oak Alley gift shop Mint julep ingredients A pretty pond and pasture Sugar cane A small above-ground cemetery